Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Sunwing Customers Artificial Green Wall Project

Do you require the installation of an artificial green wall for the exterior of a parking lot? Do not worry because we got you covered. In this post, we will analyze the steps and elements necessary for the proper installation of an artificial green outdoor wall.
Artificial green walls come in so many shapes, sizes, colors, and use that it can be challenging to
find the right option for your space. Structural work is not required before the installation of an artificial hedge wall or artificial green wall outdoor, but keep in mind that if you are unsure of something, it is always better to consult a professional.
The material of your artificial green wall will depend on the type and quality of the product you buy. You can even make some cheaper options using heavy metals. At the best end of the spectrum, our artificial green walls are made of high-quality synthetic materials and tested with UV rays, so they remain beautiful for years to come.
Since we are dealing with a parking lot, we will encounter either of the two types of walls in designing your artificial hedges wall, and we will give the steps to follow in creating the perfect
artificial green wall.
  • Stonewall: use nylon plugs and hammer the panels in place.
  • Concrete: use of nylon nail plugs. If you cannot drill the wall, consider fixing a plywood siding and using wood screws to install your panels.
Artificial Green Wall Installation Step by Step
  1. Make sure the plants in the panels are facing up when you hold them against the wall. The plants will open slowly and will look more natural over time.
  2. We recommend painting your wall black to get the best finish! This is not mandatory but will improve your finish for your interior wall garden.
  3. When you start, be sure to start from the upper left or right corner and move on.
  4. Use a bubble level to mark a line to fix points on the top of the wall.
  5. Set your first panel in place using the guide. The fixing holes can be found at the back of the panel.
  6. Insert the next panel in place and screw the top using its guide to stay level.
  7. Affix the two panels together using the clips on the sides of the panel.
  8. You can repeat this process until the top row is completed. Use three screws at the top of the panel to make sure it is completely flat on the wall.
  9. Once the first row is locked in place and has been fixed to the wall at the top and bottom, move on to the second row.
  10. Use the clips on the edge of the artificial green wall panels to lock the next row in place. If in place, screw the panels to the wall to secure the panels.
  11. Repeat until finished.
  12. Use garden pliers to trim excess panels at the bottom or sides to order your newly installed artificial green wall.
There you go! Now simply enjoy the new beauty of your artificial green wall parking lot and the relaxing environment it will create.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Tips & Ideas For Artificial Hanging Plants Decoration

hanging plants from ceiling
Hanging up the plants is a great idea for a number of reasons, the biggest being that it keeps your plants off the ground. It will save your floor space, and protect the plants if you have children or pets. Decorating with artificial hanging plants seems straight forward, but it is really important to choose premium options and strategically place them.

Don’t cut corners – Prioritize quality

Many people have a misconception that artificial plants are cheap plastic products that cannot replace the beauty of real plants. But that’s not the case. Today, artificial plants made of high-quality materials mimic every detail of natural plants. They have the ultra-realistic appearance and no toxic, completely safe for indoor use.
The quality of materials and attention to detail can make a huge difference between premium realistic artificial plants and a cheap low-quality one. In addition, good artificial plants from a reliable supplier can give a warranty of at least five years. That’s why we recommend you invest in high-quality artificial plants.
high-quality artificial hanging plants

DIY freely – Hang Your Plants From The Ceiling & Walls

The artificial hanging plants can be sold in single bundles or matching with containers, which inspire creativity. Here’s a list of the different ways you can create a hanging indoor garden.
  1. Suction them to the window
Make a window box, a type of container for flowers or plants in the form of a box attached on or just below the sill of a window. The stylish window box can make the exterior of your home attractive and add color to a home no matter what the season.
  1. Build a wall trellis
This wall trellis gives you a place to hang the artificial plants as well as other objects like a photo or LED lights, freeing up your floor for more important things and creating a unique wall.
high-quality artificial hanging plants
  1. Hang plants from the ceiling
DIY a hanging planter or order an instant artificial hanging basket, use a chain to hang them from the ceiling, which is perfect for the corners of any space. Making the artificial hanging plants spill out like a waterfall from the ceiling dramatically toward the floor is a great way that suitable for porch, patio, or public space decoration.
high-quality artificial hanging plants

Brighten up the lifeless space with artificial hanging plants

The best advantage of artificial plants is that they don’t require any maintenance, so you can keep them in the darkest corner of your home or office without worrying about whether they lack enough sunshine and water. Adding artificial hanging plants to those seemingly lifeless areas is a great way to lift the overall atmosphere of your space. They will turn the dullest room into a lush oasis, turning it into a pleasant space to spend time in.